Dear members,

We would like to provide some important information regarding the upcoming NYSD cross country event at Acklam Acorn Center this weekend. To ensure that your participation is officially recognized, and your race times are properly recorded, it is imperative that you maintain your current membership with our club.

It’s worth noting that, races for under the age of 11, are free to enter, all you need is a race number. You can obtain your race number by connecting with our representative on the day of the event. Additionally, we recommend arriving at least one hour early to allow for parking and the opportunity to walk the course.

To make your race day experience as smooth as possible, please take a moment to print out the course map. You can find detailed information and access the course map by following the links provided on the NYSD website, available here.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a successful event.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to seeing you at the event.

By Cicero